Well, this was sudden

How Entrepreneurs Gone Wild happened

So, this afternoon, I was sitting on Greg Johnson’s Email Magic AMA call, when the conversation turned to beehiiv, which basically sounds like a freaking dream come true for any writer. It’s a blog, it’s a newsletter, and it can be monetized nicely… even making your creation attractive to buyers someday.

Remember Jiffy Pop popcorn? That was my brain.

I’d hit a weird point in life.

For the past four years, I worked for Capitalism.com as the editorial director. I blogged. I created courses. I even sometimes wrote marketing emails. But my favorite thing of all was writing the weekly newsletter, The Grind.

In The Grind, I featured entrepreneurs from the community. I interviewed them on video, then wrote stories about them. Not only was it a blast to put these folks in the spotlight, sharing their journey and how they’ve gotten there… it was incredibly rewarding to hear how much these folks valued having their story told.

I miss that. A lot.

I love entrepreneurs. The best ones find a group of people they love to serve. They take ownership of problems they didn’t cause - problems plaguing those people. They come up with solutions to solve these problems. They’re brave. They’re creative. And they make the world a better place.

They’re also inspiring, and who doesn’t love a great story that emboldens them?

But they also spend waaaaay too much time indoors, on screens, and all by their lonesome. I’m in the process of building Idyllwild Woods Retreat Center up in the Smokies. It’s for entrepreneurs, creators, folks like that who can come and get their most brilliant ideas outdoors while being utterly spoiled in luxury accommodations.

Roll all that together, and Jiffy Pop brain says, “Why not start something really fun?”

What if you interviewed entrepreneurs, telling their stories, and sharing how they use time in nature to grow their businesses and round-out their lives?

Think people would like that?

I think so. So I asked four of my favorite entrepreneurs what they thought… and if they’d let me interview them. 4 out of 4 said “DO THIS!!!” And 3 out of 4 have already agreed to be interviewed! (#4 is in a rough in-between spot, which I get, but he’s got a ton of wisdom to share - so he’s got an open invite.)

One even gave me the cool image above!

About an hour ago, I started this whole thing. Bought the domain. Built the beehiiv.

I’m going to document the spit out of this thing. Because I think one day it might be really special, and I want to remember how it happened.

Want to be featured?

We’re officially on the hunt for spirited business minds who LOVE being outdoors.

Come, share your story and inspire a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who believe that the best ideas are born in the heart of nature.

Ready to venture beyond the office and into the spotlight?

Hit me up in our brand-spanking-new Facebook group, and let's add your wild chapter to the exhilarating saga of "Entrepreneurs Gone Wild".

Come on in, introduce yourself, and let me know you’re up for telling your story.


or to participate.