Millions of Cat Owners Will Soon Know This Entrepreneur’s Name and Thank Her

Plus, this chick holds the secret to peace even when it feels like the sky is falling.

Hey there, Wildlings,

So, we’re back. And this week, you’ll meet an entrepreneur who’s taken the whole “take ownership of a problem you didn’t cause, then solve it for the people you serve” thing to a whole ‘nuther level.

We’ve also got an exclusive with someone I guarantee you’ve never met. But if you do what she does, it might just mean the end of anxiety for you.

And for those of you stalking the progress at Idyllwild Woods - yes, we see you - we’ve got an exciting update to share.

So, grab your gear. It’s Entrepreneurs Gone Wild - where business logic takes a hike, and we find sanity somewhere between the spreadsheet and the stars. (Ready to share your journey? Book your spotlight interview here.)

Paws, Claws, and a Cause: Inside the World of A Healed Cat with Tiffany Vernier

They say some of us are born great. Others have greatness thrust upon them.

So also goes the origin story of many entrepreneurs.

We do tend to take ownership of problems that we didn’t cause, don’t we? And then, before we know it, we’re up to our elbows in cats.

Let me rewind a little here…

Ten years ago, Tiffany Vernier was living in rural South Carolina, when someone abandoned a sick kitty in her front yard. Then someone else did, too. More someones followed suit as word got out that apparently, this lady was taking in strays. The sickest of sick strays.

In impoverished areas, sometimes people can barely feed themselves; pets draw the short straw. In, you’d be hard-pressed to find the low cost spay and neuter clinics or kitty rescues like in wealthier areas.

Don’t Worry - This Gets Way Happier

“I’ve had to try to take a step back from trying to save the world,” she says. But if you know her, you know she’d still like to.

For now, she’s building A Healed Cat. She’s helping cat families facing a terminal diagnosis by empowering the humans to facilitate healing for the felines. When cats get sick, they get really sick… and it happens fast.

“You’re wasting your time. They’ll die. Just bring them in and we’ll put them down. Save yourself the misery,” a local vet told Tiffany. These kitties had serious conditions like feline AIDS, leukemia, feline coronavirus. In the early 2000s, not many veterinarians knew what to do with kitties like this.

It was traumatic. For everyone involved. Tiffany’s a writer by trade. The job comes with a super-sized helping of curiosity. She started researching, learning on-the-fly what helped these sick cats.

She turned off the trauma - a skill I’ll guess came from her time serving in the military. When you face something horrific, sometimes all you can do is disconnect emotionally and do what needs doing. Tiffany learned to say a lot of goodbyes. But she also began to learn how these illnesses worked, what triggered them, what provided a measure of relief.

A Healed Cat Begins

The first product helps with chronic kidney disease. It’s the big rock she can move on this mission; CKD is widespread. Kitties require lots of protein to survive. Humans can live with chronic kidney disease. Not cats.

Tiffany’s seen miracles. Now she’ll be helping cat families see miracles, too.

In a mere ten days, on November 1, 2023, Kidney Revive hits the shelves. This isn't your run-of-the-mill supplement; it's a lifeline for cats grappling with chronic kidney disease. Crafted with precision, each capsule is a powerhouse of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, not just managing but actively reversing CKD symptoms. It's science, not magic, though the results might feel otherworldly. Your cat, armed with renewed vigor and vitality, thanks to a meticulously balanced concoction of essential nutrients. No fluff, just a clinically backed, potent formula ready to wage war against CKD.

Meanwhile, cat lovers can find her newsletter right here. Subscribe and you’ll be at the head of the line to buy Kidney Revive from your cuteness overlord.

These days, Tiffany’s working a full-time job, single momming, and building A Healed Cat. It’s a lot. So, I had to know… how does she use time outdoors to keep her sanity while pursuing her dream.

Turns out, she’s got dual dreams. In 2019, Tiffany bought three acres of beautiful land in Virginia with the idea of building a refuge, a sanctuary. Not just for cats, but also other animals, and eventually some humans, too. She set out to live off the land, the self-sustaining life. Bought some chickens, ducks, and goats.

Time on the land gave her an important insight. In one hand, she held her homestead dream. In the other, the passion for saving sick cats. They’re big dreams, both. Tiffany realized she’d be wise to let one go for a little while so she could pursue the other. She and her boys left everything behind and moved to Austin a while ago. Into an HOA.

Chickens, Ducks, and Goats Need Not Apply

HOA’s don’t typically play well with folks who’d rather have a garden than a lawn. So you’ve got to get creative.

Tiffany brought some plants with her from Virginia. Moringa. Lavender. Some slack jawed birds gifted her with sunflower seeds that grew. Those volunteers have been feeding the birds all summer long - it’s been fun for the family to watch. After the kids are in bed, outside among the plants and under the Texas stars… that’s where you’ll find Tiffany. With both dreams in one hand, petting a furry friend in the other.

Whitey The Wonder Hen

Irrefutable Proof that Nature Is a Chill Pill

… She’s got one job, and she’s not doing it well at all.

… One of her colleagues would love nothing better than to rip her to shreds.

… Her home was destroyed a few months ago.

… All her friends are dead.

… Most people say we should eat her.

You know, if ever there was a being who should be stressed out, it’s got to be Whitey the hen.

Hasn’t laid an egg since a gust of wind last spring wrecked the coop she and her sisters lived in. (Note the past tense.) Friends joke that her next stop should be the frying pan. Our husky has made the suggestion that he could just gobble her up, save us the dishes, and end her misery.

But for the past few months, you know what? Whitey’s been what may be the happiest darned hen on the planet. She’s living the dream, apparently. And every single day when I feed her and we have our little daily chat, I remark on how surprised and impressed I am by how well she’s doing. She doesn’t answer. (ok, usually)

Obviously, it’s the hours and hours she spends hanging out under this shrub that’s giving her enviable levels of peace. Happy as a clam. It’s science.

Finally, the Smart Kid’s Letting Us Cheat Off His Paper


You remember that kid. No matter how smart you were, being in school with this guy felt like being in school with freakin’ Einstein or something. He got really good at the old arm-over-the-desk defensive maneuver - you know, because the teacher’s “keep your eyes on your own paper” didn’t really work. Not that you tried, of course.

Well, now it’s not a passing Calculus grade at stake. It’s your business.

Until now, email marketing was hard. But now?

Now that smart kid (his name is Greg Johnson, aka the Gandalf of Email Marketing) is not just not blocking our cheatin’ peepers. He’s openly encouraging us to gaze, gander, and downright gawk at his paper… and copy the crap out of it. Because it works. And he wants you to win with email.

That paper? It’s Email Magic. It’s free. And it’s fantastic. You should totally subscribe.

This Week’s Goodies

  • Speaking of smart kids and calculus and stuff… maybe you still have that nightmare where you’ve fallen behind in your science or math homework and now you can’t find the room where you’re supposed to take your final exam, and you’re not wearing pants? He probably can’t help you with the Winnie-the-Poohing, but your fellow EGW member Russell Dollinger has something that’ll make those nightmares stop for good. He just launched and did nearly 200 sales right out the gate. Check it out.

  • Book of the Week: Trevor G. Blake’s 3 Simple Steps. Have you read it yet? Did it rock your world, too?

  • You’ve got to see this… and what he says at 2:55 is EVERYTHING. This little 3:45 video has been on my mind for at least four years.

    • Idyllwild Woods Retreat Center Update: We went up last week to check on the excavation progress. This was us: “Yup. Lots of dirt.” They took out minimal trees, made it so you don’t have to yell YEEHAW!! while driving across the pasture, got shut down by the inspector and then re-greenlighted the next day, and now we have… a barn pad. Concrete’s next. Then said barn. Once we sell our house and workshop in Alabama, we’ll move up to Tennessee and start building you a beautiful retreat space.

Brought you an extra marshmallow for your s’mores,


P.S. Next Friday, I’ll introduce you to another one of my favorite humans - an entrepreneur who’s got quite possibly the most interesting life story I’ve ever heard. Oh, also, he’s built and sold multiple lucrative businesses and helped a whole lot of 7-figure founders get their start. And now he’s doing something you’re going to want to know about.

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