🚐💨 She’s turning RVs into profit centers (not the Walter White way)

Plus, how to prevent eye rolling when it’s outside time


Well, that escalated quickly.

There Stacy was in 2019, just living a normal life in upstate New York until one day something caught her eye outside.

It was her family’s RV sitting in the driveway. Just sitting there. Looking all lonely.

“We really should get out there more,” she thought. But of course that was easier said than done. She was working a job. Her hubby Garth was working a job. They loved going camping with their three kids.

But bosses tend to frown upon their employees Zooming in from the wilderness. If there’s even a signal. And even if you can do your job from anywhere, some places are just too much fun to work from.

So that poor lonely RV mostly sat. Or the Maxons would squeeze in a weekend here and there, as long as here and there weren’t too far away. The clock was always ticking on their adventures, sternly reminding them not to stray too far away.

That is, until…

[insert time-traveling whoosh-y sounds and visuals here as we fast-forward to 2023, ok?]

Everything’s different in 2023. The Maxons now manage TWENTY RVs, a whole business, freedom to roam at will, kids who’ve been places and seen things, and a whole new dream.

In this week’s edition of Entrepreneurs Gone Wild, we’re hitting the road with Stacy Maxon, who bought a franchise with Fireside RV Rental. You’ll hear how the RV life rerouted this family’s journey, of course. But also, how Stacy’s helping people with major buyer’s remorse turn their shiny albatrosses into profit centers.

Plus, we’re chipping away at all those roadblocks standing in the way of you getting more outside time. This week’s tip will get you out there - but chances are, you won’t ever even need to use the tip itself. 

But first…

A funny thing happened when I went to Midjourney to make the image for this week’s promo of our super-cool sponsor, Email Magic.

See, he just published the most INSANE tip about running an A/B split test that I have ever heard. I tried it today and can’t wait to see the results. 

So, I wanted Midjourney to make an image of a magician doing that trick where he saws a woman in half. Let’s just say, I have been properly chastised about community standards. And you, dear reader, get this cheesy image instead. Though, if you subscribe to Email Magic, you’ll probably make a whole bunch of money, too.


But when you own an RV rental franchise, it’s different. Stacy and her family now have way more flexibility to jump on opportunities to travel more. 

Got to practice what you preach, after all. That means getting out there to have adventures, to collect stories to tell your renters, to find hidden gems to recommend. It’s just good business. 

So far, the Maxons have gone to 18 states and several national parks in their camper. If you’re ever stuck in traffic behind them, they’re one of those families you’re rooting for as they mark the obligatory back-of-the-RV map that shows which states they’ve visited.


For anyone with a wanderlusty heart, this is living the dream. 

But for current owners of regrettable Covid-time camper purchases, Stacy’s business is the answer to a financial nightmare. The RV Industry Association says ownership increased over the past 20 years, but “the trend really took off during the pandemic. Ken Wodek, general manager at Kunes RV of Stoughton, Wisconsin says sales kept going up in 2021 - and 90% of those buyers are first-timers. 

They bought the dream. They just don’t have time to dream it much.

Now, even if they don’t have enough freedom to roam the country in their house on wheels, they can make that RV earn its keep. Just like Turo lets you make money renting out your car, and Airbnb your home, Fireside turns the behemoth in your driveway into a cash machine.

But if you’re just thinking of renting out your own RV, you may be thinking too small. What if, like the Maxons, you upped the ante and expanded to rent out a whole fleet of campers? If you had a bit of land, you could even set ‘em up and rent ‘em out. [Saw your eyebrows wiggle a little there.]


What was the on-ramp like for Stacy and Garth as they pulled this major U-turn in their life? Well, it helped a lot that they were both adventurers at heart who loved their RV time. 

Family and friends were like, “You’re doing whaaaat?” when they first heard the Maxons’ plan. Entrepreneurs’ family and friends tend to say that when they first hear about a “crazy” plan that involves walking away from a career decades in the making, a 401(k), and health insurance, and maybe even starting to homeschool your kids so you can enjoy all the freedom said crazy plan provides.

They also tend to ask stuff like, “Hey, how’d you do that? Can you help me do it, too?” when they hear how that crazy plan actually worked.

What’s Stacy and Garth’s work life look like now? They’ve figured out how to work well together. (It’s an adjustment, as any of you who’ve got a partner in your business know.) They’ve divided and conquered the workload. Stacy handles customer inquiries and reservations. Garth’s gotten certified as an RV tech, so he can do all the maintenance and repairs on the fleet. 

Best of all, the Maxons know their decision to get into their business is impacting their kids in great ways. They’re going on all kinds of adventures as a family. Last winter, they headed down to Key West to do cool stuff like feeding sharks and going on boat rides. They’ve been to the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, too (maybe they’ll come visit Idyllwild Woods Retreat Center… you know, when we’ve got somewhere for an RV to do RV stuff). They’ve got their sights set on a trip out west sometime, too. As Stacy put it, “The more successful we are in business, the further we can go.”


Spending all day everyday helping people get set to take incredible journeys might make one a little jelly. But Stacy says all she really needs is a cell signal to do the do. She’s made sales while out on a walk or on the road.

Living in upstate New York, she says it’s a bit of a challenge to get outside time in when it’s teeth-chatteringly cold. But that’s where she gets her best ideas. 

“Sitting at a desk, your imagination’s not working. You’re just focused on the task at hand. Getting outside and exploring, that’s when my mind comes alive.”

The Maxons would love to have their own campgrounds down the road. That would give them an opportunity to bring their kids into the business while spending tons of time in their beloved outdoors. 

They’re the perfect example of building a business born of their passion for nature adventures. Stacy hears people say they’ll travel someday… when they retire, and she’s so glad she and Garth took the plunge into Fireside RV Rentals. They’re getting to experience all this fun with their kids, now. “I want that for everyone,” she says. 

And that’s what it’s all about. If you want to talk RVs, connect with Stacy here.


Entrepreneurial parents, listen up! Juggling business and family life is no small feat, but adding a dash of nature can be your secret weapon. 

Thing is, sometimes our kids don’t wannnnnnnna - and that can make even our best intentions fly out the window. 

Still, getting everyone outside regularly is important. As always, having a few tricks up the old parenting sleeve can make things much easier. 

Here's how to make the great outdoors irresistibly fun for your kids (and you!):

Follow the Leader: Let your kids take charge of the adventure. Be it a neighborhood walk or a forest hike, let them navigate. It's about exploring, not the destination.

Nature's Treasure Hunt: Create a mini scavenger hunt. A pinecone, a smooth rock, or a feather - simple finds can turn a regular walk into an exciting quest.

Wildlife Bingo: Make or download a simple bingo card with common wildlife or plants. First one to spot a row wins a prize. It’s fun, engaging, and subtly educational.

Backyard Camping: Short on time? Pitch a tent in the backyard. It’s a mini-adventure without the travel. Share stories, stargaze, and enjoy a night under the stars.

The key is simplicity. No elaborate plans needed - just a willingness to step outside and let the natural world do its magic. 

But here’s the funny thing… 

How much you wanna bet that if you get yourself and your kids outside, within five minutes flat, nature takes its course and your kids start inspiring you to run amok and play? 

This Week’s Goodies

  • 👩‍🌾 Want to see one inspiration for Idyllwild Woods Retreat Center? My good friends made this magical place, and I love what they’re doing for their community so much that this is my go-to charity to support.

  • 💗 FEBRUARY!! First, what the heck is up with that weird extra R? Second, we’re booking already for February. Would love to tell your story! Schedule here.

He’s been a white water rafting guide, hiked in Kenya, and now he’s helping entrepreneurs get fit so they can live long, lovely lives. Next, you’ll meet Luis, a former marine biologist who recently dove head-first into the world of entrepreneurship. (Dude knows Capoeira, too!)

Wait… that ‘too’ might give the idea that I also do Capoeira. 
I mean… I don’t. Not even a little. 
Well, that’d be badass.
OK. I’m rolling with it.
Nobody reads down this far, anyway. Right?


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