Barefoot in the Grass: Reconnecting with Your Power as an Entrepreneur

Have you ever felt like you're running on a hamster wheel, constantly pushing and striving but never quite reaching your goals?

Welcome to the club, fellow entrepreneur. We've all been there, thinking success comes from relentless hustle and masculine energy.

But what if I told you there's another way? A way that allows you to tap into your innate power, connect with your true self, and achieve your dreams without burning out?

Well, buckle up, because I recently had a chat with Shari Grigsby, a confidence and feminine embodiment coach, and it was eye-opening.

Shari's journey from stressed-out entrepreneur to radiant coach is a testament to the power of embracing your feminine energy. And no, we're not talking about donning a 1950s housewife apron (unless that's your thing, in which case, you do you).

The Masculine-Feminine Energy Tango

First things first, let's clear up a common misconception. Masculine and feminine energies aren't about gender – we all have both within us.

Think of it like this:

Masculine energy is like a boat with a clear destination, purposefully cutting through the waves.

Feminine energy is the vast ocean itself, fluid, powerful, and all-encompassing.

Both are essential, but many of us (especially in the business world) have been conditioned to rely heavily on masculine energy. We push, strive, and force our way forward, often at the expense of our well-being and relationships. Sound familiar?

Shari's Wake-Up Call

Shari knows this struggle all too well. She shared, "I was very controlling. I was forcing things to happen in my life." Despite having all the tools and certifications for success, Shari found herself in a really shitty place with her husband. Talk about a wake-up call.

But here's where it gets interesting.

Instead of doubling down on the hustle (because that always works, right?), Shari took a different approach. She started exploring the balance between masculine and feminine energies, and it changed everything.

The Cost of Imbalance

When we're out of balance, leaning too heavily on masculine energy, we might experience:

  • Constant stress and burnout (hello, 3 AM anxiety attacks)

  • Strained relationships (who needs friends when you have spreadsheets?)

  • Disconnection from our bodies and intuition

  • A sense of emptiness despite outward success

Sound familiar? I've been there too. But there's good news – it doesn't have to be this way.

Embracing Your Feminine Power

Shari says tapping into your feminine energy isn't about becoming passive or giving up your ambition. It's about allowing yourself to be more fluid, intuitive, and connected.

Here's how to start:

1. Slow Down and Connect

In our fast-paced world, slowing down can feel counterintuitive. But taking time to connect with yourself and nature can be game-changing. Try this:

  • Step outside, even for just a few minutes (yes, your backyard counts)

  • Feel the grass beneath your feet

  • Take deep breaths and notice your surroundings

Shari found that spending time on a hill near her home was transformative. You don't need a mountain retreat – even a patch of grass will do.

2. Cultivate Self-Connection

Many of us struggle to truly see and accept ourselves. Try this exercise Shari recommends:

  • Stand in front of a mirror

  • Look into your own eyes

  • Take a few deep breaths and simply observe without judgment

It might feel uncomfortable at first (and no, you're not turning into a narcissist), but this practice can help you develop a deeper connection with yourself and your feminine energy.

3. Move Intuitively

Your body holds wisdom. Instead of forcing yourself through rigid workout routines, Shari suggests trying movement that feels good:

  • Dance to music that makes you feel alive (even if you look like a flailing octopus)

  • Stretch and flow through gentle yoga poses

  • Take a leisurely walk in nature

Listen to what your body needs and honor that. This is feminine energy in action.

Balancing Act: Integrating Masculine and Feminine

Remember, the goal isn't to abandon masculine energy entirely (we're not talking about giving up your to-do lists, I promise). It's about finding harmony. Here's how:

  • Use masculine energy to set clear goals and take action

  • Tap into feminine energy for creativity, intuition, and connection

  • Allow yourself to flow between the two as needed

By embracing both energies, you'll find yourself more balanced, fulfilled, and effective in your business and life. Shari's own transformation is proof – she went from feeling disconnected and controlling to describing herself as "softer" and more relaxed.

Your Invitation to Radiance

Stepping into your feminine power might feel unfamiliar at first. Shari reminds us it's okay to start small. Give yourself permission to:

  • Take breaks throughout your workday (scrolling social media doesn't count)

  • Spend time in nature regularly (yes, even if you live in a concrete jungle)

  • Connect with your body through movement

  • Practice self-compassion (because beating yourself up is so last season)

Remember, this isn't about perfection. It's about progress and allowing yourself to be who you truly are.

As Shari puts it, "I truly believe everyone has this bright light of magnetic feminine energy inside, and they've just dimmed it through different life experiences."

As you embrace your feminine energy alongside your masculine drive, you'll likely find:

  • More creativity and innovation in your business (hello, million-dollar ideas)

  • Deeper, more authentic relationships (turns out people like you when you're not a stress monster)

  • A sense of ease and flow in your daily life

  • Increased confidence and self-acceptance

Are you ready to step into your full power as a radiant, confident entrepreneur? The journey starts with a single step – perhaps a barefoot one on the grass. Your true self is waiting to shine through. Will you answer the call?

And if you're thinking, "This all sounds great, but I don't have time for this woo-woo stuff," remember Shari's words: "The lie that you can't have [time for yourself] is simply a lie." So, what's your excuse now?

If you're intrigued and want to learn more about embracing your feminine energy (without giving up your boss status), check out Shari's Facebook community.

It’s Not Just the Money that Drives Us Entrepreneurs… It’s Something MUCH More

“If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing.”

Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1738

My buddy Stan Way posted this on Facebook, and it dawned on me that this is why I’m so excited to do the Find Your Voice Challenge again, starting next week.

Existential angst.

We live. We die. Hopefully in-between, we make the world a better place.

As entrepreneurs, we have that potential.

That thing you create. That book you write. That program you offer. They’re all your way of taking ownership of a problem you didn’t cause and creating a solution for people you’ll probably never even meet.

But NONE of that can happen without you…

  • Learning to know yourself

  • Discovering what matters so much to you that you’ll go all-in on it

  • Talking about the problem you solve - in ways that will show your people that you get it

  • Finding a way to talk about your offer so genuinely that you can move people’s hearts and help them trust you

And that stuff can be scary.

After all, your friends and family may not really understand what you’re doing. Some may - with the best of intentions (hopefully) - try to get you to pump the brakes and follow along with what’s “normal” (not us!).

Complete strangers may say stuff online or even in person that cuts you to the quick and makes you want to hide.

It’s bound to happen.

But you have BIG dreams. The kind that compel you to keep going, to keep sticking your neck out again and again.

And that's where the Find Your Voice Challenge comes in.

It's not just about learning to speak up. It's about uncovering the unique perspective that only you can bring to the table. It's about finding the courage to share your ideas, even when they feel vulnerable or unconventional.

Think about it:

  • Steve Jobs didn't just create computers; he revolutionized how we interact with technology.

  • Oprah Winfrey didn't just host a talk show; she created a platform for meaningful conversations that changed lives.

  • Elon Musk isn't just building cars; he's pushing the boundaries of what's possible in space exploration and sustainable energy.

These entrepreneurs found their voice and used it to make a lasting impact. And you can too.

The Find Your Voice Challenge isn't about turning you into someone you're not. It's about helping you become more of who you truly are. It's about giving you the tools to:

  1. Articulate your vision with clarity and conviction

  2. Connect with your audience on a deeper level

  3. Stand out in a crowded marketplace

  4. Build a brand that reflects your authentic self

Remember, your voice is your legacy. It's how you'll be remembered long after you're gone. It's how you'll make your mark on the world.

So, are you ready to find your voice and make some noise? Are you ready to create something worth writing about?

Join us for the Find Your Voice Challenge starting next week. In just 10 minutes a day for 17 days, you’ll turn that existential angst into fuel for your entrepreneurial fire.

Because it's not just about the money. It's about making a difference. It's about leaving your mark. It's about creating a legacy that will outlive you.

Your voice matters. It's time to let it be heard.

When you join using my affiliate link, you’ll also get a special bonus I’m creating. It’s my guide for creating excellent written social media content in YOUR VOICE - without writing a single word.

Join us tonight for the September S’mores Club!

Join us tonight for the S'mores Club at 7:30 PM Eastern!

Don’t miss out on a cozy evening of connection, inspiration, and fun around the virtual campfire. Grab your favorite snacks, and let’s share some great conversations! See you there! (There, being inside the Entrepreneurs Gone Wild Facebook group)


or to participate.