Got a 'weird' brain? This guy proves it's an entrepreneur's super power

Also, he jumps out of planes. So, there is that.

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Happy Friday!

Man, we’ve got some seriously cool stuff coming up in September in Entrepreneurs Gone Wild. If you thought September was just about pumpkin spice lattes and back-to-school sales, think again!

I’ve been inviting experts in on Tuesdays at 1 PM Eastern to share their wisdom with us—always with the burning question: “How can you help us get more time to be out in nature instead of doing ________ (fill that in with whatever soul-sucking task drags you indoors early from recess).

But before we dive into the juicy details, let’s do a quick poll—who’s got a weird brain? (me me me me me!!!)

As entrepreneurs, we’re often told to hustle harder, work longer hours, and sacrifice everything for success. But what if I told you that embracing your unique wiring—especially if you have ADHD—could be your secret weapon for entrepreneurial triumph?

Yes, you heard me right!I recently had a chat with Peter Shankman, a serial entrepreneur, author, and ADHD advocate who’s built multiple successful businesses by leveraging his neurodiversity. His insights were like a breath of fresh air—if fresh air came with a side of sarcasm and a sprinkle of “Why didn’t I think of that?”

Key Takeaways:

  • ADHD can be a superpower for entrepreneurs when properly understood and managed. Who knew your brain could be a superhero?

  • Creating systems and routines tailored to your unique brain wiring is crucial. Because let’s be honest, chaos isn’t a strategy—unless you’re a cat, then it’s a lifestyle.

  • Physical activity and outdoor experiences can boost creativity and problem-solving. So yes, that morning jog is actually work—who knew exercise could be so productive?

  • Embracing your differences and finding your own path is key to long-term success. Because why fit in when you were born to stand out like a flamingo in a flock of pigeons?

  • Balance and self-care are essential for sustainable entrepreneurship. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup—unless you’re a coffee addict, then all bets are off.

Reframing ADHD as an Entrepreneurial Asset

For years, Peter felt "broken" because his brain worked differently. But then he had a lightbulb moment: his ADHD traits—hyperfocus, creativity, and the ability to make rapid connections—were actually incredible assets in the business world.

He shared, "I've learned that very few things in my life have ever beneficially happened after, like, say, 10:30." This self-awareness led him to structure his day around his peak energy times, waking up at 4 AM to exercise and tackle important tasks when his mind is sharpest.

The lesson? Don’t try to force yourself into a "normal" work schedule if it doesn’t align with your natural rhythms. Instead, experiment to find when you're most productive and creative, then build your day around those peak times.

Creating Systems for Success

One of Peter's most valuable tips was about creating systems to manage potential ADHD challenges. He keeps his desk clutter-free, with just his laptop, a drink, and a few pens. This minimalist approach helps him stay focused and avoid distractions.

He’s also automated his home environment, with lights and shades programmed to create an artificial sunrise, gently waking him without the jarring effect of an alarm clock. Because who needs a rude awakening when you can rise like a majestic sunbeam?

Consider how you can streamline your work environment and daily routines. What systems can you put in place to minimize distractions and maximize your productive periods?

Harnessing Physical Activity for Mental Clarity

Peter swears by the power of physical activity to boost creativity and problem-solving. He starts his day with a Peloton ride and often boxes later in the afternoon. But it's not just about fitness—he finds that movement, especially outdoors, sparks his best ideas.

He even shared a wild story about flying to Tokyo and back just to write a book, using the focused time and change of scenery to fuel his creativity. While that might be extreme, the principle is sound: changing your environment and getting your body moving can unlock new levels of productivity and innovation.

Try incorporating more movement into your day, whether it’s a morning walk, a midday yoga session, or even just standing up and stretching every hour. You might be surprised at how it impacts your mental clarity and idea generation.

Embracing Your Unique Path

Perhaps the most powerful message from our conversation was the importance of embracing your differences. Peter emphasized that just because you do things differently doesn’t mean you’re wrong. This mindset has allowed him to build successful businesses in unconventional ways.

For example, when launching his latest venture, Source of Sources (SoS), he didn’t spend months planning—he built it in a day and started iterating based on user feedback. This "ready, fire, aim" approach might seem chaotic to some, but it perfectly aligns with his ADHD-fueled creativity and problem-solving skills.

The takeaway? Don’t be afraid to forge your own path. Your unique perspective and way of working could be exactly what sets you apart in a crowded market.

Balancing Hustle with Self-Care

While Peter is undoubtedly successful, he's also learned the importance of balance. He prioritizes sleep, going to bed early so he can wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day. He makes time for family, ensuring he's present with his daughter and aging parents.

This balance isn't just about avoiding burnout—it’s about creating a sustainable, fulfilling life that fuels your entrepreneurial journey. As Peter put it, "If you're not taking care of yourself first, nothing else you do is gonna succeed at all."

Take a hard look at your current routine. Are you making time for self-care, family, and activities that bring you joy? Remember, entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint. Sustainable success requires taking care of your whole self, not just your business.

Embracing your ADHD or other neurodivergent traits can be a powerful catalyst for entrepreneurial success. By understanding your unique wiring, creating tailored systems, harnessing physical activity, forging your own path, and maintaining balance, you can turn what society often labels as a "disorder" into your greatest strength.

So, fellow entrepreneurs, I challenge you to reframe your perspective…

How can you leverage your unique traits—ADHD or otherwise—to fuel your success?

Get Media Coverage and More Outdoor Time with Source of Sources!

Alright, fellow nature-loving entrepreneurs, listen up! Want to get some sweet, sweet media coverage without chaining yourself to your desk or sacrificing your precious outdoor time? Well, buckle up, because I've got a gem for you: Source of Sources (SOS) by Peter Shankman.

Picture this: You're lounging in your hammock, sipping on your favorite beverage, when ping - an email arrives with a journalist's query that's right up your alley. You fire off a quick, brilliant response, and boom! You're on your way to media stardom, all without missing a single ray of sunshine.

SOS is like a matchmaking service for journalists and experts (that's you, smartypants). Up to three times a day, you'll get emails with media queries. If you've got the goods, you respond directly to the journalist. It's that simple. No middleman, no fuss, no muss.

But here's the kicker - this isn't just about stroking your ego (though that's a nice bonus). Getting media coverage can skyrocket your business visibility, bringing in more clients and cash. And you know what that means? More freedom to chase waterfalls, climb mountains, or whatever floats your outdoor-loving boat.

So, if you're ready to boost your business while maximizing your vitamin D intake, head over to It's free (yes, really), it's easy, and it might just be your ticket to that work-from-a-treehouse lifestyle you've been dreaming about.

September Events in Entrepreneurs Gone Wild

Tax Strategies That Won't Give You a Headache!
Date: September 17 at 1 PM Eastern

Tired of feeling like Uncle Sam is taking more than his fair share? Join Thompson Bourque as he reveals the secrets to slashing your tax burden without losing your sanity. This isn’t your usual boring tax talk; Thompson will help you navigate the maze of deductions and strategies that actually work for 1099 professionals. Say goodbye to tax season anxiety and hello to financial empowerment. Trust us, you don’t want to miss this—unless you enjoy giving your hard-earned cash away!

S'mores & Stories: Fireside Chats for Entrepreneurs!
Date: September 20 at 7:30 PM Eastern

Who says you can’t have a little fun while networking? Join us for our S'mores Club gathering, where we’ll be chatting around the virtual fire (s'mores optional, but highly encouraged). This is your chance to kick back, relax, and connect with fellow entrepreneurs before the Idyllwild Woods Retreat Center officially opens its doors. No pressure, no pitches—just good vibes and great conversations. Bring your favorite snacks, and let’s make some sweet memories together!

Sales Without the Sleaze: A Live Session with Aleasha Bahr!
Date: September 24 at 1 PM Eastern

Are you tired of the cringe-worthy sales tactics that make you want to crawl under a rock? Join Aleasha Bahr for a live session that will change your perspective on selling forever. With her Black Sheep Sales Method™, you’ll learn how to convert sales without the pressure, pitching, or pretending to be someone you’re not. Say goodbye to the “numbers game” and hello to a sales strategy that feels authentic and effortless. If you’ve ever dreaded a sales call, this is the remedy you’ve been waiting for. Don’t miss out—your future self will thank you!

Save Your Sanity!

One way I protect my mind’s health and wellbeing… no watching news, and VERY careful consumption of written news. Like this…

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