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  • From Homeless to Bestselling Author: How One Business Anthology Transformed Paul Neustrom’s Life—And How It Can Do the Same for You!

From Homeless to Bestselling Author: How One Business Anthology Transformed Paul Neustrom’s Life—And How It Can Do the Same for You!

How Paul Neustrom went from being homeless to being a bestselling author

In partnership with

Imagine an isolated man living alone in an abandoned church and struggling with self-doubt while yearning to share his experiences through writing.

Paul, a retired sales executive, struggled to discover his voice for years, fighting an inner critic that told him he wasn't a "real" writer. After graduating high school with poor English skills and wanting desperately to share his story but still feeling limited by these constraints.

He unexpectedly found his breakthrough when he joined an anthology project right up his alley on “Coaching.” It wasn't just any writing exercise; this project offered validation and opportunity.

Paul dedicated himself to writing a chapter called "Top Gun Coaching," using insights gleaned from an instructor of top gun fighter pilots on effective communication techniques. To his amazement, not only did the anthology quickly become an International #1 bestseller but the lead author said Paul's chapter was his favorite one of all. This unexpected recognition transformed Paul's life; from feeling like a possible impostor to now proudly claims the title "#1 bestselling author".

Paul didn't stop there; he went on to author "Death of a Yellow Pages Salesman", an intimate memoir containing close to 60 tales that captured the principles he taught as a past sales trainer and shared as part of an entrepreneurial marketing and sales training course. 

It captures both his professional as well as personal struggles and triumphs, offering both inspiration and practical advice - demonstrating that storytelling can connect deeply with readers while imparting valuable lessons.

You ask…

“Why should I contribute to an anthology?”

Here are five compelling reasons in favor of contributing:

Gain Credibility

Becoming a published author immediately elevates your status as an expert in your field, just as Paul saw with the publication of his first anthology chapter and the subsequent addition of "bestselling author" to his credentials. This step can open doors you never dreamed possible!

Generate Leads

Your anthology chapter serves as a powerful business card. It showcases your expertise while drawing potential clients in. Paul's experience shows this well: his books have led to multiple speaking engagements and coaching clients.

Unlock New Opportunities

Once published, doors begin opening up for you. Paul was invited to speak at a college following the success of his anthology chapter; book sales followed shortly thereafter as did paid engagements resulting from being a bestselling author! Who knew such an unassuming piece could provide such opportunities?

Royalties from anthology books may not make you rich overnight, but they can open doors to a steady source of passive income. Furthermore, your chapter can lead to other sources of revenue generation like speaking engagements or coaching programs that will further your bottom line.

Elevate Your Brand

Partnering with experts in your field to join an anthology can significantly elevate your personal brand and increase visibility within the industry.

Starting Out as Authors

If Paul's journey has inspired you and you want to start writing for an anthology, here is how you can get started:

Define Your Message

As Paul emphasizes, finding your voice and sharing its unique perspectives or experiences are crucial elements to finding success in any industry.

Hone Your Writing Skills

Don't stress if writing isn't your forte - instead focus on storytelling and clearly communicating your message.

Seek Assistance

Seeking guidance can be tricky - consider working with a writing coach or joining a writing group for support and feedback.

Discover Anthology Opportunities

Keep an eye out for projects in your niche through writing groups or professional associations or start your own.

Commit to the Process

Writing takes time and dedication--Paul went through 12 drafts before publishing his memoir. To be successful at writing, it is key to start early and continually improve.

Paul's story serves as an important reminder that every bestselling author begins somewhere, often feeling uncertain or fearful of failure. But his early struggles have turned into successes; showing that writing doesn't have to be an isolated pursuit; sharing an anthology through speaking provides not just validation but also community support —something every aspiring writer desires.

Why wait to take that leap of faith? Your future bestselling author-self will thank you! “It's time to take a trip into the Wild Side!"

Paul Neustrom

Entrepreneurs, it’s time to share your journey and inspire the world. This is your moment—claim your spot before they are GONE and join the ranks of those who have definitely walked on the WILD Side, not just as published writers but as Bestselling Authors!’

Recapping: Entrepreneurs Gone Wild group members have an exciting opportunity to participate in our upcoming anthology - we know it will be a bestseller! Because, it’s Guaranteed. Contributors may submit stories for possible inclusion or we will write it for you. Hurry, you must Act Now!

This isn't just about royalties—it's about the doors that open when you become a published author. Our theme? How spending time in nature fuels our most brilliant and creative ideas.

Entrepreneurs are warriors who are overcomers; who tackle obstacles they didn’t create, turning struggle into innovation and passion into purpose. The solutions that change lives are born from these challenges—but true creativity ignites when we step away from the grind and reconnect with nature’s energy. In the stillness of the outdoors, clarity emerges, ideas flourish, and the breakthroughs that define success are forged. This is where your struggle becomes the fuel for others' success. 

We're challenging the "hustle culture" mentality that says, "Work your face off—you can rest when you're dead." Instead, we're encouraging entrepreneurs to prioritize time in nature FIRST, not as a reward for later. By sharing our stories, we can normalize this priority and inspire others to follow suit.

Your chapter provides you with the chance to tell us about your entrepreneurial journey and how you’ve overcome challenges to reach your success.

- Showcase Your Business and explain how creative time in nature has increased your productivity.

- Share Your Strategy for carving out quiet time within a busy schedule, and how it fuels your innovation.

But that’s only part of the benefits. Being published in this anthology will also:

- Increase Your Credibility and land speaking engagements and podcast appearances.

- Unlock New Business Opportunities by sharing your story with a broader audience.

- Boost Lead Generation through effective social media marketing, turning exposure into measurable growth.

Imagine sending your book as a present via Amazon to potential clients as an Amazon package - they always open it, right? What better way could there be to open doors and make a lasting impression than by doing just this!

Do not fear if writing is not your forte! No worries--we have you covered! We will offer a workshop to assist in crafting your chapter, and we can even write it for you (just let us know!).

Paul Neustrom, our six-time bestselling author (his seventh hasn't been published yet!), has a remarkable track record in propelling anthologies to bestseller status - meaning your words could reach wide audiences, potentially impacting lives and businesses alike!

Now you might be asking how much it will cost to join this book project. On average, working with publishers to produce bestsellers typically runs $20K-$25K.


And that can be expensive! But we are actually crowd-funding this book through an anthology format (smart!), making it a fraction of the cost for each participating member. We even have flexible programs depending on your desired need of assistance!

(Yes, you can technically do-it-for-free and write your own book - other than taking up a TON of time writing it and learning how to publish it on Amazon or elsewhere; but why do it ALONE?)

Here’s the work in progress cover!

Want to learn how you can get started?

Paul and I will host a small introduction party tomorrow, Saturday Oct 12th from 3:00pm to 5:00 pm Eastern.

Simply join our Facebook group or Zoom directly for live-streamed access.

Want a chance at winning one of our FREE chapters in our anthology? Tomorrow at our Kickoff Party we will announce how you can enter to win! First prize winners and runner-ups will be announced shortly after we launch and offer a FREE mini-masterclass. Share this with friends, it will increase your chances of winning!

Here's your opportunity to make an impactful statement and build your personal brand while joining an inclusive community that appreciates balancing hustle with relaxation.

Ready to take the leap? Join us tomorrow, 3:00 pm EST, for all the juicy details on how you can be part of writing this groundbreaking book and get started to be published as a ‘Bestselling Author!’

Have NO Fear and don't miss out on this opportunity to share your "Wild Entrepreneurial Side" with the world. – Your story matters, and it deserves to be told. The world is waiting, but Time will NOT!

Don’t know about you, but I can get “a little” wound up over the news. (OK, more like totally distracted, sometimes furious, and even filled with despair.)

But I don’t want to not know what I might need to know.

I just want to know it without the hype.

Maybe you’re the same way?

That’s why I keep accepting sponsorship placements from 1440 Media. I’m hoping you’ll also find a good balance between knowing what’s up while not being manipulated by the “if it bleeds, it leads” marketing machine of most media.

Our minds NEED to be clear if we’re to accomplish our missions here.

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