Ooh, the things I have in store for you this week will fix what ails you

Strategy, Building an Audience, and Sorting Out Your Offers

I don’t think I could have planned a more useful week of happenings if I’d done it on purpose.

My whole mission is to get you more time outdoors in nature so your brain has the space to play and imagine and dream.

Why? Because honestly, the world needs you to do the darned thing. The thing you - and maybe only you - can do. As an entrepreneur, you’ve taken ownership of a problem and created a solution that makes life better for other people.

The world NEEDS that. More of that, in fact.

But there’s only so much of YOU to go around. There are so many pulls on your attention, your capacity, your creative power.

And I want to help. That’s why I’m inviting you to join any - or even all - of what’s going on this week.

There are a few stuck points I see for my entrepreneurs…

“What if it all goes away?” (says the voice in the dark)

96% of businesses that fail within a decade. Ouch. Been there. Twice-ish.

That’s why I’ve invited Jackson Calame to share the secrets to not just surviving, but thriving as a Power Brand in your market. This isn't your average "rah-rah" motivational seminar—it's a no-holds-barred look at what it really takes to build a sustainable, legacy-worthy business.

Jackson's been in the trenches, launching and scaling startups that have served thousands of SMBs. He's seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of business growth. Now, he's here to share the unvarnished truth about what it takes to evolve from a struggling operator to a market leader.

Warning: This session isn't for the faint of heart. Jackson will challenge you to:

  • Confront the weak foundations that lead to collapse

  • Embrace the personal growth necessary for business success

  • Make tough decisions about your team and culture

If you're ready to stop being an anchor and start being a powerhouse, this is your wake-up call. Join us for an eye-opening session that will push you out of your comfort zone and into the realm of true business leadership.

Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2024 | Time: 1 PM Eastern | Entrepreneurs Gone Wild Group
RSVP here

“Build an audience,” they say (but they don’t say HOW)

You’ve got this amazing solution to someone else’s problem. Great.

But how do you get it out there? How do you gather your people so you can actually serve them?

The answer, I’m becoming convinced, is “who” and not “how.”

It’s in having an audience that vibes with you, wants your help, tells others, and takes you up on your offers. That’s how we make the impact we’re meant to have. And when we have gathered a group of highly-engaged people to serve, that’s when things start to really take off.

But it’s kind of hard to serve people who aren’t there.

The advice out there is to build an audience. But honestly, most of what I’ve seen doesn’t work. Or it takes too long.

If you’ve started to realize how vitally important gathering your people is, this is for you.

Date: Thursday, October 10, 2024 | Time: 2 PM Eastern | Free Masterclass

“I have no idea what offers I should be making!” (sound familiar?)

You know you need to create offers to build a thriving business, but the options feel overwhelming. Should you start with a freebie? A low-ticket item? What about your main offer, high-ticket sales, and continuity options? It’s enough to make your head spin!

That’s why I’ve invited Michelle Boshard, The Natural Entrepreneur, to lead us through a transformative workshop on mapping out your offer ecosystem. This is a hands-on session where three lucky entrepreneurs will get personalized guidance on structuring their offers for maximum impact. The rest of us will learn by watching.

Michelle has helped countless entrepreneurs navigate the chaos of offer creation, turning confusion into clarity. She understands that without a solid lineup of offers—free, low-ticket, main, high-ticket, and continuity—you’re leaving money on the table and potential clients in the dark.

This workshop will help you:

  • Identify the key offers your business needs to thrive

  • Create a cohesive strategy that aligns with your vision

  • Make confident decisions about pricing and positioning

If you're ready to stop spinning your wheels and start building a robust offer ecosystem that attracts clients like bees to honey, this is your moment.

Want to be one of the three hot seats? Reply to this email with the address where I should send Michelle's questionnaire. She needs a day to prepare, so don’t wait!

Date: Friday, October 11, 2024 | Time: 4-6 PM Eastern | Entrepreneurs Gone Wild Group
RSVP here even if you’re not applying for a turn in the hot seat

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