✈️ From Private Jets to Life-Changing Spaces: Meet Lisa Morton

Plus, 8 tiny tweaks that’ll have you sleeping like a 👶

Spaces, Serenity, and Success: Don’t Be Surprised When Taking This Holistic Designer’s Advice Actually Changes Everything

Endless fields. Open skies - open, but not empty. There were planes.

And now and then, one of the planes flying over Lisa Morton’s head was special, its seats covered in sumptuous Italian leather, its mood lighting mimicking a starlit sky. She’d put her skills as an aircraft interior designer to use to create a luxurious sanctuary above the clouds.

The designer in her reveled in the opulence, the exotic materials at her fingertips, and the chance to leave her mark in the clouds.

But a whisper of discontent began to echo in her heart. 

Despite the glamor and prestige, Lisa felt a growing void, a sense of unfulfillment that gnawed at her. The farm girl who once gazed at the stars now found herself questioning her path, yearning for a deeper connection, a purpose that transcended the confines of luxury. In this world of high-flying elegance, Lisa's soul began to seek a different kind of beauty, one rooted in harmony and holistic well-being.

So, she turned to yoga. What happened next didn’t just mark a twist in her career path, though. Today, Lisa's revelations land in your lap, ready to ignite a profound shift that can impact your workday, your home life, and ultimately, the world.

If you ever feel anxious, distracted, and craving that elusive creative spark that’s so crucial to building a world-changing business, your environment may be the hidden saboteur. This edition of Entrepreneurs Gone Wild is for you.

Plus, we’ve got 8 easy tweaks you can make before laying your head down to sleep tonight… try them and report back!

But first…

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It’s crazy how many times we entrepreneurs re-answer that question. A decade into Lisa’s career, all she knew was that aircraft interior design was not it.

She wasn’t happy. Her mental health was taking a hit. Something had to give. 

So, she took her dogs for a long walk. Did more yoga. Started meditating, became a vegetarian. Studied an instinctive form of Feng Shui. Made some changes in the physical space she inhabited. Before long, she started feeling much, much better. 

As a designer, she had the “pretty and functional” part of spaces down pat. Lisa had always been able to feel it if something was… off… in a room. Not only could she sense the energy created in a room by its arrangement and decor, but she’d see the effects in the real lives of her clients.


Now she had a 4,000 year-old art and science she could use to help her Pure Living with Lisa Morton clients experience big transformations in their wellbeing, just by making small changes. Some take literal seconds to make - like adjusting the old rabbit ear antenna on your TV to get a crystal clear picture.

Lest ye think this is only about what color to paint your room, let me share a quick story with you.

Lisa often works with women who are going through something big in life. Could be a big, happy change like getting married or starting a family. But sometimes, it’s the heavier side of life that sends clients her way. 

One day as Lisa was sitting at a new client’s kitchen table going through a set of intake questions, her client got very real, very quickly.

“Lisa, I’m dying,” she said. “I’m on my third round with this cancer and I need you to help me set up my space so when I’m gone, my kids and my husband can go on living.”

Sometimes as business owners, we have these moments of supreme clarity when it hits us: No doubt. I am meant to do this work. I am uniquely qualified to help this person. This was that moment for Lisa.

There are five main elements in Feng Shui: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each element represents different qualities and energies, and they are used to create balance and harmony in a space. Lisa implemented a lot of earth for her client’s family, that they might feel grounded, and wood to remain fluid as they went through the next several months journeying through the unknown. It made a difference.


Feng Shui isn't just an ancient art; it's a practical toolkit. There’s a lot more to it, but here are just a few pointers to help you make your space work better for you.

1. Commanding Position: Place your desk so you can see the door. It's not just about avoiding surprises (if you’re from NJ, you get it); it's a strategic move. This position subconsciously boosts confidence, keeps you in control, and prepares you for opportunities and challenges.

2. Clutter-Free Zone: Clutter isn't just messy; it's a mental block. A clean workspace equals a clear mind. It's not folklore; it's about reducing cognitive overload, enhancing focus, and boosting productivity.

3. Element Balance: Incorporate the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) in your space. It's not just about aesthetics; each element represents different aspects of business growth. Wood for creativity, fire for leadership, earth for stability, metal for logic, and water for communication. Balancing these elements aligns your environment with your business goals.

4. Natural Light and Air: Maximize natural light and ensure good air quality. It's not just for health; natural light boosts mood and energy levels, while fresh air keeps the mind sharp and focused.

5. Personal Touches: Add personal items that inspire and motivate you. This isn't just decoration; it's about creating an environment that resonates with your personal energy, driving motivation and inspiration.

6. Color Psychology: Use colors strategically. Colors aren't just pleasing to the eye; they have psychological effects. Blue for calmness and clarity, red for energy and passion, green for balance and growth. Choose colors that reflect your business's personality and goals.

7. Symmetry and Balance: Strive for a symmetrical setup. It's not just pleasing to the eye; symmetry is associated with balance and harmony, which can lead to a more organized and efficient workflow.

It’s not about mysticism. It's about setting up a workspace that's aligned with your entrepreneurial spirit, optimizing both your environment and your mindset for success.


You might be skeptical. That’s okay. It’ll still work - even if you don’t believe in it. Every day, Lisa has clients who take her advice even though they weren’t fully bought in. You’d be surprised how effective this woo is.

Kinda how spending time outdoors works to breathe some fresh air into your life. Little, bitty investments you make in your wellbeing accumulate and grow, gradually shifting you into an overall happier, healthier, more creative and effective human being. 

Lisa’s been purposeful about spending time outdoors every day - even while she’s working. Phone calls? Head outdoors. Sunny day out? Bring the computer outside and work from the back porch. And during the summer, she’ll treat herself to 10-30 minutes outside reading in her comfy chair with the dogs lying next to her - right, smack in the late afternoon. 


Curious to dive deeper into the transformative power of holistic interior design? Lisa Morton isn't just about theory; she's about tangible change. Her podcast, Revive & Thriveology, is your gateway to stories of transformation, practical tips, and insights that can revolutionize not just your workspace but your entire approach to life and business.

But why stop at listening? If you're ready to take your entrepreneurial journey to a new level of success and fulfillment, consider booking a personal consultation with Lisa. She's not just a designer; she's a catalyst for change. Whether you're redesigning your home office or seeking a complete lifestyle overhaul, Lisa's holistic approach can help you create an environment that nurtures your entrepreneurial spirit and paves the way for unprecedented growth and well-being.

Discover how Lisa's unique blend of design and Feng Shui can unlock new levels of creativity, focus, and achievement. Visit Pure Living with Lisa Morton to get Lisa’s eye-opening list of Feng Shui tips you can do today.

Revamp Your Rest: Lisa's Feng Shui Fixes for Superior Slumber

Ever wonder why some nights you toss and turn, while others, you're out like a light? 

During our chat, Lisa Morton shared her secrets for turning your bedroom into a sleep haven. It's not just about a comfy mattress; it's about how you arrange your space. Ready for a sleep revolution? Try these 8 quick shifts to get the best sleep of your life:

#1: Avoid the 'Corpse Position': Ensure your bed isn't aligned with the door. It's a Feng Shui no-no known as the 'corpse position.' Position your bed so you can see the door, but it's not directly in line with your feet.

#2: Mirror, Mirror, Not on the Wall: Don't place a mirror facing your bed. Seeing your reflection from the bed can be unsettling and disrupt your peace.

#3: Create a Restful View: From your pillow, everything should spell 'relaxation.' Avoid clutter and keep the space serene and calming.

#4: Symmetry for Serenity: Balance is key. Place nightstands or similar items on both sides of the bed. It's not just practical; it creates a sense of harmony and peace.

#5: Choose the Right Headboard: Opt for a solid, non-metal headboard. Wood or fabric-covered headboards are ideal. They provide a sense of security and comfort.

#6: Layer Your Lighting: Have options for lighting – a brighter overhead light and a softer bedside lamp. Adjust the lighting to suit your mood and needs.

#7: Beware of Angled Roofs: Don't position your bed under a sloped ceiling. It can create a subconscious feeling of pressure or imbalance.

#8: Under-Bed Clutter is a Sleep Thief: Never use the space under your bed for storage. It's like trying to sleep on a pile of unfinished tasks or unresolved issues.

Test the Changes 

Skeptical? Make one change, mark the date, and give it six weeks. Observe how your sleep and overall well-being improve.

Challenge yourself: make these changes and witness the transformation in your sleep quality. Sweet dreams await in your newly harmonized haven!

This Week’s Goodies

  • 🐑 Ever felt like Britain's loneliest sheep? Poor boopy was stranded on a cliff for two years, all alone. Makes me think about how incredible it’s going to be to gather a bunch of entrepreneurs together at Idyllwild Woods Retreat Center. Just imagine being with your people IRL. <3 <3 <3 Soon.

  • 🏕️ Join us in the spring for primitive camping at Idyllwild Woods?
    Like, before we have any of our 5-star guest accommodations, what’s to stop us from getting together for a little campfire time in the woods. All 35 acres all to ourselves. Just noodling on this… would you come?

  • 💰 The secret millionaire next door? Ever heard the story of the "millionaire next door" who left a hidden fortune to his town? This isn't just any tale of wealth; it's about a man who loved simple pleasures like mowing and outdoor investment studying. Discover how his secret millions are now shaping the future of a small New Hampshire town in the most unexpected way. Dive into the story

  • Here's a special perk for Entrepreneurs Gone Wild members. Brand journalists often charge $2,500 or so for spotlight pieces like you just read. Here, it’s my gift to you. Some of our featured entrepreneurs have used theirs to: apply to give a TED Talk, land podcast appearances, or even to land a special spot on mom's fridge. We’re booking for 2024 here.

In our next edition, we spotlight an entrepreneur thriving in an $8.12 billion industry.

She’s discovered a remarkable use for an unconventional resource, one that masterfully recycles waste into wealth and ingeniously transforms the ordinary into a sustainable powerhouse. 

And of course, she’ll share how she finds all her most brilliant ideas.


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