Meet Jules Su, the Bravery Whisperer with a Side of Greens! 🌱💪

Swimming or mountains? Depends on what you need your brain to do.

In Cappadocia, the earth seems to touch the heavens. Especially that morning.

She stands alone, atop the highest point she could find, the cold morning air wrapping around her. Below, the vast landscape lies dotted with deflated balloons, like sleeping giants awaiting their call. 

Sparks flicker in the distance, a prelude to the magic about to unfold.

In this edition of Entrepreneurs Gone Wild, you'll meet Jules Su, a brave-space curator and world traveler who's faced the abyss and emerged with insights that can make you 473% more gutsy as you go for your dream. (*mathematics for demonstration purposes only)

You’ll also find two different ways to do your best thinking outside - one that lets your creativity run wild and one that’ll help you solve puzzles (aka fix stuff).

Plus, find your voice, find your next team member, and find out about the butt-clenching moment when Feng Shui almost broke Idyllwild Woods. It’s all here for you, Dear Wildlings <3

But first, a word from our sponsor.

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And you want to grow an audience that opens your emails like each one is a wheelbarrow full of gold bars dropped into your lap…

Or you want to read the email, the sending of which could have gotten a guy in a whole lot of trouble with his lovely wife…

Go here. And then look for that subject line.


Jules watched as one by one, flames roared to life, breathing energy into these dormant behemoths. They began to rise, each at its own pace, painting a canvas of colors against the dark sky. As the first light of dawn broke, the horizon was transformed. Hundreds of balloons floated gracefully, dancing with the rising sun, casting their majestic shadows on the unique terrain below.

Jules has bookmarked this ethereal moment. A moment where time stood still, the beauty of the world laid bare before her. 

Here’s a guarantee for you. One of Jules’ dreams is to bring a collection of her favorite people to Cappadocia to witness this extraordinary sight. She will. Maybe you’ll be one of those people.

Jules Su calls Canada home. For now. Before that, she lay her head down to sleep in 38 different countries after leaving Australia, where she grew up. She spent 18 months traveling the world. Eight of those, she traveled solo. 

Bravery. Connectivity. Jules had these qualities even then, hiking through places with only her guts and wits to direct her. The world’s not all that easy to navigate in some places, especially in war-torn areas where an internet connection is impossible. A natural at creating human connection, Jules always found a way. No matter how rough the terrain. 

And even back home, there were days when it was very, very rough. 

[Insert your own entrepreneur life metaphor here. You get it. You live it.]

One thing about travel. On the road, you can have as many lifetimes as you like. Maybe you morph to a new creature with every stopover. Your perspectives shift. Your possibilities, too.

The Entrepreneur’s Version of Immortality?

Long ago, people did something with their lives. One something, usually. Probably from one perspective (ha, now-ism, I see you) rather than how we so willingly embrace the opportunity to transform now. Might be that we live a lot longer. Whatever. Today, you can live many lifetimes.

Jules has. In one of them, she came close to ending all the others. It may be her travels through the darkness that gave her the gifts she’d need for her current lifetime. While many might label her a 'coach', Jules is more than that. She's a curator of bravery, using coaching as her tool to ignite the fire in entrepreneurs.

“The conversations I love to have are with highly motivated individuals and entrepreneurs who have a vision. I support them in activating their vision faster than they could if they were to do it alone.”

Normal people say they want a safety net. But there are some who feel like if they’re not on the edge, they’re taking up too much space. We are entrepreneurs. Dreamers with ideas that are bigger than ourselves. We know what scares us. We’ll do it anyway, but sometimes we long for a bravery net. Jules is it.

Life Requires Guts

Jules says fear is a mask for what you really desire. If she were your coach, she’d invite you to make your own What Scares You list. You draw a line down the middle. On the left, you write down everything that scares you. Then, you go to the Mariana Trench. No submarine needed, just listen to this 7-minute episode of Jules’ podcast, Amazing on Autopilot and you’ll understand. Plus, she’ll give you a tool you can use anytime fear throat punches you. 

[WARNING: You think you’re just going to listen to one 7-minute podcast. In reality, much like the Battlestar Galactica redux, before you know it, you will have listened to the whole season.]

Jules believes in following your gut, both metaphorically and literally. Is it any wonder that when Jules developed an all-in-one greens powder supporting mental wellbeing, gut health, and brain performance, she called it Gut Tastic?

It’s got wheatgrass, matcha, probiotics, rhodiola, ashwagandha, and lion’s mane. I’d love to tell you that when you blend a scoop into a beverage, it looks yummy. But it’d be a lie. When I drink mine most mornings, my hubby wrinkles his nose over my Shrek drink. It’s actually pretty good, for greens. How it makes my brain feel is more than worth it.

Go See the Wise Woman at the Top of the Hill

Maybe it’s her vagabond ways, but first thing when Jules wakes up, she craves time outside to breathe the fresh air. Every day, you’ll find her hiking or swimming. Maybe both. (More on that below in this newsletter - and specifically how you can use two different types of outdoor time to do your best thinking.) Some days, she’ll just sit on the grass in the park.

One of these days, she’ll bring some brave souls to Cappadocia to see - maybe fly in - the balloons. But between now and then, we can see Jules coaching at a retreat at Idyllwild Woods. There will be card-playing, star-gazing, and truth-telling… and in the morning, pancakes. 

Should You Go Hiking Or Swimming Today?
Depends On What Kind of Thinking You Want To Do

Toward the end of our conversation, Jules said something else really cool that will help you. 

Let’s say you’re choosing between hiking on a mountain or swimming in a pool. Both have health benefits, of course. But if you want to use either as sort of a kinetic meditation, which one’s more conducive to thinking brilliant thoughts?

It depends.

When you’re on a mountain, you’re looking at the possibilities of this world. Looking out to the rise, finding beauty. It’s expansive, plenty of room for your brain to, um, frolick. Yup. Just like one of those cute little fainting goats wearing a flower crown. ALL the ideas!

But if you’re swimming in a pool, it’s easy to use the repetitive strokes and breaths to induce the kind of meditative state that’s conducive to visualization. In other words, you’re marinating. Connecting dots. Working the mental jenga blocks. Solving puzzles.


  • Bring a pocket notebook and pen when you go hiking. You’re going to need them to capture the avalanche of ideas that come in an expansive setting.

  • If you’re swimming, keep a towel handy to dry off and a journal close by. Because as the water's ripples settle, so too might your next big idea crystallize.

This Week’s Goodies

  • Looking for the perfect hire? Have a chat with my new recruiter friend Wendy Schwartz. She knows all the best people (and she works on contingency). Email her at [email protected]

  • Looking for your voice? Discover the power of authentic expression with the "Find Your Voice" challenge. Unleash your unique perspective, connect deeply with your audience, and stand out in a crowded market. Starts November 5th!

  • Looking for a splash of creativity? Just add water. But not too much. Like we almost did at Idyllwild Woods. Then there were digger trucks and work stop orders. Read all about it.

  • Looking for a stage to shine? Your entrepreneurial journey could be the beacon someone's searching for. Step into the limelight, impart your wisdom, and amplify your brand. Secure your feature interview slot now!

Next Friday, you’ll meet a couple whose love for the outdoors inspired their entire brand. They’re providing eco-friendly alternatives to everyday products. Gives a whole new meaning to “power couple” - you’ll love them!


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