Burnout Crushing Your Dreams?

Have you ever felt like your life was spiraling out of control? 

Like you were juggling too many balls and, surprise, they’re all dropping at once? 

If so, welcome to the club! 

As entrepreneurs, we often think that pushing ourselves to the brink is the secret sauce to success. 

Spoiler alert: it’s not. 

What if I told you that true success comes from knowing when to step back, take a deep breath, and maybe even rediscover who you are?

Let me introduce you to Hayley Barrett, a remarkable woman whose journey from trauma to triumph will inspire you to rethink your approach to business and life.

The Power of Pressing Pause

Hayley’s story is like a masterclass in the transformative power of hitting the “pause” button. 

After building not one, not two, but three successful businesses in just seven months (because why not add a little pressure, right?), she found herself at a crossroads. Her professional life was booming like a popcorn machine, but her personal life? Well, let’s just say it was crumbling faster than a cookie in a toddler’s hands.

It was then that she made a brave decision—to press pause on everything.

"I didn't plan to take a year off," Hayley confesses. "It was just... I cried a lot, and I moved into a friend's living room because I couldn't live alone. It was very scary for me."

Now, let’s be real. 

Taking a year off sounds great in theory, but it’s not like she was sipping piña coladas on a beach. It meant temporarily stepping away from her children, shutting down her businesses, and facing her deepest fears. But hey, sometimes you have to face the music—even if it’s a sad, off-key rendition of “My Heart Will Go On.”

Lessons from the Pause:

  • Prioritize self-care: You can't pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself isn't selfish; it's essential. Seriously, when was the last time you filled your own cup instead of just serving everyone else?

  • Seek support: Don’t be afraid to lean on friends and family during tough times. They’re there for a reason—like a human safety net, but with snacks.

  • Embrace silence: Sometimes, the greatest growth happens in moments of quiet reflection. Or, you know, when you’re hiding in the bathroom to escape the chaos.

Rediscovering Yourself: The Key to Authentic Success

During her year of healing, Hayley went on a journey of self-discovery. She realized that in her years of serving others, she had lost touch with her own identity.

"I didn't know what type of eggs I liked," she laughs. "I started really exploring... to find myself because for years, I had served other people, but I didn't really know much about who I was at my core."

Ah, the classic “What do I even like?” crisis. It’s like being a kid in a candy store but forgetting what candy you actually enjoy.

Steps to Rediscovery:

  • Question everything: From your favorite color to your business goals, don’t be afraid to reevaluate. Who knew your favorite color might not actually be “whatever’s on sale”?

  • Connect with nature: Hayley found solace in the great outdoors. Consider how you can incorporate more nature into your life—like taking a walk instead of scrolling through social media for the hundredth time.

  • Restructure your thoughts: Challenge negative thought patterns and focus on positive self-talk. Remember, you’re not just a hot mess; you’re a gorgeous hot mess.

Balancing Business and Well-Being

Now, Hayley’s approach to business and life is radically different. She’s found a way to balance her entrepreneurial spirit with her need for personal well-being.

"I really only work maybe 4 hours a day, unless it's client days," she explains. "I'm also about my family time. I have to get outside, I have to be with my family, and I have to do things that fuel me."

This balanced approach hasn’t diminished her success—if anything, it’s enhanced it. By taking care of herself, she’s able to show up more fully for her clients and her family. 

It’s like the old saying goes: “You can’t be a superhero if you’re running on empty.”

Tips for Better Balance:

  • Time block your day: Set specific times for work, family, and self-care. It’s like scheduling a date with yourself, and you’re totally worth it.

  • Set boundaries: When you’re off the clock, be truly off the clock. No more “just one more email” at 10 PM. Trust me, the world will survive.

  • Fuel yourself: Prioritize activities that energize you, whether it’s prayer, exercise, or time in nature. Because nothing says “I’m thriving” like a good hike or a solid yoga session.

Hayley’s journey reminds us that true success isn’t measured by the number of businesses we build or the size of our bank accounts. It’s about creating a life that’s fulfilling, balanced, and true to who we are at our core.

So, my fellow entrepreneurs, I challenge you to take a step back and ask yourself…

Are you living in alignment with your true self?

Are you taking care of your well-being as diligently as you’re tending to your business?

Remember, sometimes the bravest thing you can do is press pause, rediscover yourself, and build a life and business that truly reflects who you are. And who knows? 

You might just find out that you like sunny-side-up eggs after all. 

You can connect with Hayley to learn more. 

Watch the full interview here:

Burnout is real, friends. And even if you feel like you’re doing all the things to keep it at bay, it can sneak up on you.

A few years ago, my friend Justus Murimi suggested reading the book Boundaries - yeah, the one from the early 1990s. It’s been around forever. I’d heard about it for decades, but just never read it until Justus assigned it.

Seriously good and helpful.

But for some of us, setting and maintaining boundaries can feel really challenging… especially if we’ve lost touch with ourselves and what we really want. I mean, how can you communicate something to other people when you can’t put it into words???

That’s one reason I’m so excited for the upcoming Find Your Voice Challenge that Stacey Lauren is running starting September 23rd.

It’ll be my second time going through the challenge - it’s fruitful enough that I’ll do it a couple of times a year!

It’s a 17-day program that takes just 5-10 minutes per day. Each day you’ll get a “dare” to do. You can do the dare according to your comfort level (but I encourage you to stretch a little!).

The Find Your Voice Challenge has made it way easier for me to talk with people, to be on video and on podcasts, and especially to talk about my business (very helpful, especially since we’re talking to investors!). I even did my first Facebook Lives as a result of the Challenge.

Stacey’s price on this is ridiculous. $47. (I think I might have that rattling around in my car!) Plus, I’ve thrown in a bonus - you’ll get my guide for creating written social media posts that people actually engage with… without having to write a single word. It’s based on a DFY service my agency offers for $250 per month.

Want to do it together? Here’s the link to find out more.


or to participate.