Afraid to show the real you?

In 17 days, you won't be!

Allison wouldn’t even turn her camera on for Zoom calls.

Tracy would, but only if her hair and makeup were perfect.

Tom probably could have won a dance contest, the way he’d learned to dodge and deflect whenever someone put him on the spot.

Justin swore that he’d learn how to set better boundaries and even more - to communicate them.

Chris knew that strategic appearances on podcasts could blow her business up, but just the thought of public speaking made her stomach get all squeezy.

Those are just a few ways it can look before you find your voice.

I’d know. Guilty of all of them!

That’s why I was so excited to have Stacey Lauren join me live today to talk about the Find Your Voice Challenge.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Another challenge? I don't have time for that!"

But hear me out. This isn't your typical "post every day for 30 days" kind of challenge. It's a 17-day journey that'll help you tap into your authentic voice and share it with the world - without the pressure of perfection.

Why Finding Your Voice Matters

As entrepreneurs, we often get caught up in the "shoulds" of business. We think we need the perfect setup, the flawless appearance, and the most polished content to succeed. But here's the truth: people connect with authenticity, not perfection.

Stacey shared a powerful insight from her own experience:

"I always did the thing that I thought everyone wanted or expected. But what I didn't do was do it from my own inner wants and desires."

Sound familiar? How many times have you held back from sharing your true thoughts or experiences because you were worried about what others might think?

The Magic of the "Find Your Voice" Challenge

So, what makes this challenge so special? Here are a few key elements:

  • Daily Dares: Each day, you'll receive a 5-minute video with a dare designed to push you slightly out of your comfort zone.

  • Comfort Circle Strategy: You can choose to respond to the dares via writing, voice recording, or video - whatever feels most comfortable for you. (Or stretch!)

  • Supportive Community: You'll be surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs who are also on this journey of self-discovery and authenticity.

  • No Makeup, No Problem: This challenge strips away the need for perfection. It's all about raw, real connections.

The Ripple Effect of Finding Your Voice

The beauty of this challenge is that it's not just about personal growth. When you find your authentic voice, it has a ripple effect on your business:

  • You connect more deeply with your audience

  • Your content becomes more engaging and relatable

  • You attract the right people who resonate with your true self

  • Your confidence grows, opening doors to new opportunities

As Stacey put it:

"When someone needs to hear what you have to say, they don't care about any of that stuff. They just are like, 'Oh my gosh. Thank you. I'm so glad you shared. I needed that today.'"

A Special Bonus for You

Now, here's where it gets even better. As a special bonus for those joining through this newsletter, I'll be sharing my system for turning your challenge responses into social media content. We're talking about getting 15 pieces of content from just one question - without writing a single extra word!

The Investment (It's Ridiculous, Really)

Are you ready for the kicker? This entire 17-day challenge, which Stacey says is "better than two years of therapy" for some participants, is available for just $47. Yes, you read that right. Forty-seven dollars.

(Yeah, I checked, and she knows it’s 2024 and that’s practically the price for a gallon of milk!”)

Ready to Find Your Voice?

The challenge kicks off on September 23rd, but spots are filling up fast. If you're ready to strip away the perfectionism, connect authentically with your audience, and finally share your true voice with the world, this is your chance.

Don't let fear hold you back any longer. It's time to step into your authentic power and let your voice be heard.

Here’s the link to use (I’ll be sending my special hands-free social media shortcut bonus after the Challenge starts) to JOIN THE CHALLENGE.


or to participate.