đŸȘ° She’s the Queen of Novel Proteins: Meet Cindy Dunston Quirk

Plus, do this and you’ll make 6 feet very happy

Larvae, Love, and a Legacy: Cindy Dunston Quirk Is the Queen of Novel Protein

When your dog is allergic to
 you get a little crazy. After all, listening to incessant licking, paw-gnawing, and scratching isn’t nearly as fun as it sounds. 

Cindy Dunston Quirk’s dog Zoe was only six months old when her allergy test results came back. A list as long as your arm. In short, Zoe was only allergic to two things: her food and her environment.

So, whaddya do? 

If you’re Cindy, you get in your kitchen, roll up your sleeves, and hand-mix the most stomach-turning concoction. Ground raw meat, canned pumpkin, brown rice, raw eggs, mushy peas, fish oil, and the piùce de resistance
 some fresh parsley for fresh breath.

“It’s a good thing you’re cute, Zoe,” Cindy said as she stood at the sink, scraping eggshells and pumpkin from her forearms. 

Zoe and her brother Scout had already run into the backyard to bark at the flock of bluebirds suddenly carpeting the grass. The birds, wisely, took off. 

But what Cindy witnessed next changed everything.

In this week’s edition of Entrepreneurs Gone Wild, you’ll hear her story. Plus one way to get outside more that’ll make you and a friend very, very happy. And of course, some goodies to round out the week.

But first

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Back to our friends, Scout and Zoe, who, after valiantly defending their home from a flock of bluebirds, decided they needed a snack. Much to their delight, they discovered that said flock had taken flight mid-snack themselves.

Worms. Mealworms, to be exact. Rather extravagantly provided mealworms, lovingly shoveled into the backyard bird feeder by Cindy’s own hands. The dogs ate them like candy.

That’s when Cindy got confirmation of a whole new superpower she’d only recently discovered she had: Product Creator. 

Not long before, while stewing over the question of what meat she could feed Zoe, given that she was allergic to beef, Cindy had had a brilliant idea. Antlers. The idea had come to her right as she drifted off to sleep one night. For the next two days straight, she researched, sketched, brain-dumped. No sleepy-sleepy; only worky-worky. 

Within two weeks, she had the product created. Branded. Packed. Selling. Cindy’s still got the $5 bill from her first sale.


“I bet I could make dog treats out of mealworms,” Cindy said, not realizing that with those 2010 words, she’d just seriously expanded Scout & Zoe's, the pet treat business she would run for the next fourteen years and counting.

“Nope. Bad idea,” the immediate feedback she got from a friend she told. He went on to explain that mealworms would never be approved by AAFCO, the regulating committee for the pet food industry. 

Mealworms were a no-go. But black soldier fly larvae? Now, that was the way to go. The dominos began to fall as Cindy found a domestic wholesale source. And a contract manufacturer. And a formulator who could make magic using just a few ingredients - the kind you might find in your kitchen. Well, maybe not the larvae.

Sweet potatoes, carrots, and chicken jerky were the building blocks of the first products. Soon, Cindy’s not-so-mad scientist product creation got exotic. Venison, kangaroo, duck, and other novel proteins that dogs tend not to be allergic to
 these treats would become 85% of the brand’s revenue. 


Scout & Zoe's now has over 100 SKUs. The Queen of Novel Proteins continues to create the yummiest treats in the universe for the world's most deserving pets. Even she will admit that she’s pushing the envelope just a little by using invasive species like Asian carp for treats. 

Cindy was the first to do that. Also, in 2019, the very first to do anything with black soldier fly larvae. As it happens these larvae are great for domesticated and wild birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even dogs and cats. Even finicky kitties love Cat-Tastic’s larva, nutritional yeast, salmon or lamb lung. (mmmmm?)

The spark of inspiration for each product she creates is the question she constantly asks: How can I make this pet’s life better? But that’s not all - every product Cindy creates for Scout & Zoe's must also abide by the three pillars of the company: do good by the pet, do good by the earth, do good for the community. She’s also taking a canine nutrition course to become a certified canine nutritionist. 

Scout & Zoe's is based in a gigantic warehouse in central Indiana. It sells online direct to consumer as well as selling to wholesale customers with brick and mortar stores. In the past, the wholesale side of the business was bigger. Since the pandemic, Cindy’s worked to amp up the DTC, Etsy, and Amazon sales channels. 


For most of us, our best ideas typically hit us in the two most ridiculously inconvenient places: in the shower and when you’re just about to d-r-i-f-t a

Same for Cindy. Also, as a self-identified amphibian, she loves nothing more than the feeling of sun on skin. Mowing or hoeing (not to be confused with ho’ing or ho-ho’ing), brilliant ideas stem from sweat.

During the summertime, you’ll find her sitting outside reading, the current pack of pups sleeping in the sun by her feet. When she’s tired of reading, she watches the neighborhood pass by and waits for the long golden light to grow rosie and dim. 

No phone. Just the Queen of Novel Protein and her dogs. Scout and Zoe were just two of a long line of Dunston dogs.

At 65, Cindy says there are “good days and ‘not a write home to mom’ days,” which sounds about exactly like business is at any age. How much longer will she man the helm of Scout & Zoe's? Five to ten more years, maybe. “But if someone were to come along and I knew it would be in good hands and they made me a crazy offer? I’d let them write me the crazy check because I started a foundation on the one-year anniversary of Scout’s passing. It’s called Scouting for the Cure - a foundation to fund bringing the cure for cancer in dogs to market. 

They say the dog is a human’s best friend. Clearly, we can safely make the argument that a dog’s best friend is Cindy Dunston Quirk
 and your dog’s best friend brought treats.

The Art of the Rewarding Dog Walk

Walking your dog isn't just about physical exercise; it's an exploration of their world and a key to their well-being. Cindy Dunston Quirk, founder of Scout & Zoe's, shares insights on how to transform a simple dog walk into a 'sniffari' – an adventure that satisfies your furry friend's natural instincts and brings joy to both of you.


Dogs experience the world predominantly through their noses. A walk for them is like reading an intriguing newspaper, filled with stories and information we can hardly comprehend. When your dog sniffs a fire hydrant or a patch of grass, they're gathering data about other dogs in the neighborhood – their health, mood, and even their social status.


Resist the urge to rush your dog along. Letting them lead the walk and take their time to sniff around is crucial. This freedom allows them to fulfill their natural curiosity and instincts. It's not just a walk; it's a mental stimulation exercise that keeps them from becoming anxious or neurotic. Remember, a well-adjusted dog is one that gets to do 'dog things.'


While your dog is busy decoding the scents of the world, you get the chance to disconnect from the daily hustle. This time can be a peaceful break for you, a moment to enjoy the outdoors and reflect. As you walk, observe your surroundings, breathe in the fresh air, and let your mind wander or stay blank – whichever brings you peace.


A good sniffari ensures that your dog is not only physically tired but mentally satisfied. They return home content and ready to relax. This means a peaceful evening for you too, without dealing with pent-up canine energy.


Walking your dog is an excellent opportunity for bonding. It strengthens your relationship and builds trust. Your dog learns to see you as not just a provider but a partner in their adventures.


Next time you take your dog for a walk, think of it as a sniffari. Let them explore and indulge in their natural behaviors. Meanwhile, use this time to unwind and connect with nature. It's a win-win situation where both you and your furry friend return home happier and healthier.


  • 🧳 Wanna get away this winter? How about one of these spots? According to Airbnb, these are the hottest destinations for 2023.  

In our next edition, we’re hitting the road for some serious van life adventures with an entrepreneur who can hook you up. (And she’ll even show you how to work the chem toilet. If you ask nicely.)




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