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  • How 'bout I show you how to do a month of content in a few minutes - and you don't have to write a word

How 'bout I show you how to do a month of content in a few minutes - and you don't have to write a word

This idea hit me when I was outside doing the do... as it does

In partnership with

“Document your journey,” they say.

“Build an audience,” they tell you.

Look. I don’t know about you, but that can be hard.

When I was working with the awesome team and students at Capitalism, I saw it all the time. “It” being the question… HOW?????

And I’ll confess: I’ve found that hard, too. Really hard.

I think sometimes it’s hard to really connect with that stuff when we’re up to our elbows in all the things we’re doing on the back end of the business. It can be hard to have a fresh perspective, to SEE what’s already there, to tap into the emotion and raw realness of it all. ‘Cuz we’re living it every day.

And that kind of stuck? Well, that could keep you trapped indoors working when you could be outside playing!

But I may have figured out a way to bypass that “I got nuthin’” thing that drains our brains of all the cool stuff we could share.

It hit me today when I was weed-whacking in the pasture. As one does. ;)

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working with the amazing Stacey Lauren on some cool stuff inside her Audience Accelerator program. (She’s built an audience of 30K+ - and a couple of years ago, she was not even on social media. I know this for a fact. Lady knows what she’s doing!)

One of the tools she introduced me to is Capsho. (yeah, yeah… another AI - but this one has my full attention.)

It’s really meant for podcasters, I think. So we might be a lil’ off-label here, but hear me out.

You can record (audio or video) yourself answering powerful questions that dig down to the heart of your business…


Wait a minute or two…

And this thing’s going to give you a whole bunch of EXCELLENT written content based on what you said. Like, in your voice.

You’re not totally coherent? Not a problem. It sorts that out pretty well. (Ask me how I know - I’m learning to present better verbally.)

The trick is… well, there are two.

#1 You want to be genuine, raw, and YOU. Emotion outranks being polished. Like Ernest Hemingway (never) said, “Writing is easy. Just sit down and open a vein.” Same deal here.

#2 It helps to have some great questions that’ll prompt the flow of words.

Questions like these:

  1. What inspired you to start your business?

  2. What's the biggest challenge you've overcome in your entrepreneurial journey?

  3. Describe a moment when you knew your business was making a real impact.

  4. What's one piece of advice you'd give to aspiring entrepreneurs in your field?

  5. How has your industry changed since you started your business?

  6. What's a common misconception about your industry or product?

  7. Can you share a customer success story that particularly moved you?

  8. What's the most valuable lesson you've learned from a business failure?

  9. How do you balance work and personal life as a business owner?

  10. What's a book or resource that significantly influenced your business approach?

  11. Describe your typical workday. What's your most productive habit?

  12. What's a skill you think every entrepreneur should develop?

  13. How do you stay motivated during challenging times in your business?

  14. What's the most unexpected way your product or service has been used by a customer?

  15. How do you envision your business evolving in the next 5 years?

  16. What's a current trend in your industry that excites you?

  17. How do you approach decision-making in your business?

  18. What's the most valuable feedback you've received from a customer?

  19. How do you foster innovation within your team or business?

  20. What's a personal value that strongly influences your business practices?

Those are alright, but a little dull. I wondered if there was a way to get even more customized questions… and by George, I think I’ve got it.

I made these for myself:

  1. How did your journey from a desk-bound writer to an outdoor enthusiast inspire the idea for the retreat center?

  2. What unexpected benefits have you personally experienced from spending more time in nature?

  3. Can you describe a moment when being outdoors led to a breakthrough idea for your business?

  4. How do you envision the geodesic domes enhancing the retreat experience for entrepreneurs?

  5. What's the most challenging aspect of homesteading on your 35-acre property, and how has it taught you about entrepreneurship?

  6. How do you plan to balance luxury and rustic elements in your retreat center?

  7. Can you share a story about a time when you felt isolated as an entrepreneur, and how that influences your vision for the retreat?

  8. What's your favorite spot on the property, and why do you think it will resonate with visiting entrepreneurs?

  9. How do you see the quarterly retreats differing from individual stays or coach-led events?

  10. What's a common misconception about spending time in nature that you'd like to address for busy entrepreneurs?

  11. How has your experience in writing 5-day email courses influenced your approach to creating experiences at the retreat center?

  12. Can you describe your ideal guest and the transformation you hope they'll experience during their stay?

  13. What's a unexpected lesson from homesteading that you think applies to running a successful business?

  14. How do you plan to measure the impact of your retreat center on entrepreneurs' creativity and productivity?

  15. What role do you see technology playing in the retreat experience, given the focus on unplugging?

  16. How has your perspective on work-life balance evolved since starting this project?

  17. Can you share a story about a moment of doubt in this project and how you overcame it?

  18. What's the most exciting future possibility for the retreat center that you haven't shared publicly yet?

  19. How do you plan to create a sense of community among guests who visit at different times?

  20. What advice would you give to entrepreneurs who are hesitant to prioritize time in nature?

Ooooh. That’s better.

(You might be able to get a few months’ worth of content done just on the free trial, tbh.)

It’s kind of inspired me to look at doing this for people. Like, I’d create custom questions (I’m practicing with some brave volunteers!), they record their answers to 5 of those questions each month and send me the audio/video, then I do the do for them on my Capsho account.

What pops out the other end of the Capsho machine?

  • Facebook Awareness Post (questions for engagement - some are contrarian and meant to generate some spicy conversations)

  • Facebook Tip Post

  • Facebook Community Post

  • Facebook Action Post

  • Instagram Awareness Post

  • Instagram Tip Post

  • Instagram Community Post

  • Instagram Action Post

  • LinkedIn Awareness Post

  • LinkedIn Tip Post

  • LinkedIn Community Post

  • LinkedIn Action Post

  • LinkedIn Newsletter

  • YouTube Title & Description

  • Blog Post

15+ pieces of content right there. In your voice. But even better ;)

Anyhow, just wanted to share that with you! Hit me up if you have questions. I’m happy to help you with anything that’ll get you more freedom in your day-to-day.

Coming soon…

The S’mores Club 🤤 

You’re invited!!! It’ll be Friday, August 16th at 8:30 pm Eastern

More details soon - but now’s the time to pick up some very REAL s’mores ingredients for our virtual campfire.

Unlock Success: Learn Exactly How to Build Your Business Online From The Experts!

As a loyal Entrepreneurs Gone Wild subscriber, I wanted to make sure you knew about this new way to build and launch a successful online business. 💪

We’re excited to reveal to you the One Funnel Away Challenge! You will learn step-by-step how to launch your business successfully online, how to skip the roadblocks and hang-ups that slow most people down, and how to drive all the traffic you need to your online site to finally make the profits you deserve.

The Challenge actually has two distinct tracks. You can choose to learn from Russell Brunson, co-founder of ClickFunnels and New York Times Best Selling Author, who will teach you how to profit by becoming an influencer or creator. He’s an expert at helping you find your voice, share your message, and earn a great living WHILE making a difference in the world!

Or maybe you’d rather just quietly sell things and profit. If that’s the case, simply choose the eComm track! Trey Lewellen, a top online seller who has made millions of dollars selling stuff online and dropshipping, will guide you through finding or creating a product, launching it, and scaling it for success.

And, as a Entrepreneurs Gone Wild reader, YOU get access to BOTH…. & you won’t have to worry about monthly ClickFunnels fees for the first 90 days.

….but wait… there’s more….

👉 With access to LIVE weekly coaching calls with Russell Brunson and Trey Lewellen you’ll never need to be stuck and wondering what to do next.

👉 With FREE access to the 'Fill Your Funnel' Challenge, you'll also learn how to get all the leads and buyers you need to your funnel!



or to participate.