Hire Savvy: 5 Must-Haves Before Bringing on Your First Salesperson

Aleasha Bahr's Black Sheep Sales Method Means You Never Have to Feel Gross Selling Again

So, you think you're ready to hire your first salesperson?

Hold your horses. Before you start dreaming of swimming in commissions like Scrooge McDuck, let's talk about what you really need to have in place.

I recently sat down with Aleasha Bahr, founder of Black Sheep Sales Method, and boy, did she have some eye-opening insights.

Aleasha's journey to sales guru wasn't exactly a straight line. She started in corporate digital advertising, where she was labeled a "natural" at sales.

But here's the kicker: she didn't feel like she was selling at all. Her secret? Actually giving a baa about her clients. Revolutionary, I know.

Fast forward through a successful stint running her own marketing agency, and Aleasha realized something was rotten in the state of sales training. Everything recommended was, in her words, "really horrific." So, she did what any self-respecting entrepreneur would do: she created her own method.

Now, let's dive into what you need before you even think about hiring that silver-tongued sales whiz:

#1: A Fully Stocked Kitchen

Aleasha uses a brilliant analogy: bringing on a salesperson is like inviting a chef into your kitchen. You can't just point at the stove and say, "Make something amazing!" and expect Gordon Ramsay-level results. You need to have all the ingredients ready.

This means:

  • Clear payment and onboarding processes

  • A functional CRM (that your new hire actually knows how to use)

  • A tested client onboarding process

  • Marketing materials and FAQs

  • A sales framework and recorded calls

#2: A Reality Check

Here's a hard truth that might sting a bit…

If you're looking to hire a salesperson just because you break out in hives at the thought of making sales calls, you're setting yourself up for a world of hurt.

Aleasha emphasizes that bringing on a salesperson is about scaling, not avoiding an essential part of your business.

If you haven't nailed your sales process yourself, how can you expect someone else to do it for you?

That's like trying to teach someone to drive when you've never been behind the wheel. Spoiler alert: it ends badly.

#3: A Black Sheep Mindset

Aleasha's approach to sales is refreshingly un-sleazy. Instead of pushing for a yes like a used car salesman on his last day, she advocates for a curious, collaborative approach.

Her mantra? "If it's a fit, it's a fact, and there's no selling involved."

This means:

  • Being genuinely curious about the prospect's needs (shocking, I know)

  • Asking questions to understand if there's a true fit

  • Being okay with it if the prospect isn't a good match (yes, you read that right)

It's about building trust and providing value, not manipulating emotions or creating false urgency. Novel concept, isn't it?

#4: Pre-Call Education

One of Aleasha's most powerful tips?

Don't try to educate and sell in the same conversation. If you find yourself explaining complex concepts or industry basics during a sales call, you've already lost. That's like trying to teach someone calculus while they're taking the final exam.

Instead, send educational materials ahead of time. This allows prospects to:

  • Understand your approach before the call

  • Come prepared with informed questions

  • Make a decision based on understanding, not pressure

#5: A Human Touch

Perhaps the most refreshing aspect of Aleasha's approach is how utterly human it is.

She's not afraid to call out the BS in traditional sales methods.

Remember the old "whoever speaks first loses" rule after stating your price? Aleasha's take: "That is the most awkward way you could go about it in some weird, like, standoff of silence."

Instead, she suggests asking, "Is that investment realistic for you right now?"

It's direct, it's human, and it opens up an honest conversation about finances.

The Bottom Line

Hiring a salesperson isn't a magic bullet. It's not going to suddenly make your business rain money if you haven't done the groundwork. It's a strategic move that requires careful preparation and a solid foundation.

Aleasha's journey from corporate "natural" to sales method innovator is a testament to the power of questioning the status quo.

Her approach isn't just about making sales; it's about creating genuine connections, providing real value, and building a sustainable, scalable business. And that's something we can all feel good about, even if you're not a "natural" salesperson.

Ready to dive deeper into ethical, effective sales strategies?

Check out Aleasha's podcast, "Sales is Not a Dirty Word."

And keep an eye out for her upcoming book, Black Sheep: How to Win More Sales Without Acting Like a Douchebag. You can get the first chapter here (and that’ll get you a sweet deal when the book comes out later this month). I PROMISE you, you will love it. So, so good.

Remember, in the world of sales, sometimes it pays to be the black sheep. Just make sure you've got all your ducks in a row first. Or sheep. Whatever floats your boat.

Can I Bribe You to Write a Book?
(How about just a chapter?)

You know what can happen when your name is on a bestselling business book?

Ok. That doesn’t always happen. But… books do open doors and fill funnels.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve helped write and/or publish about 100 books for clients. Not the kind that get royalty payments (although they might).

Having your name on a book can:

  • Build your credibility (makes you kinda famous in your world)

  • Help you educate your prospects (before the sales call… see above!)

  • Be a great way to build your list

  • Give you a great way to get on podcasts and stages

And that’s just a regular book. But when your book becomes a bestseller? Just turn those results up to 11.

Fun Fact: Myron Golden’s first book From the Trash Man to the Cash Man sells 8,000-12,000 copies per month at $20 each. That’s $160K-$240K in monthly revenue.

“Bestselling” is where the magic comes in.

Today at 2 pm Eastern inside the Entrepreneurs Gone Wild community, we’re chatting with 7-time bestselling author, Paul Neustrom.

Why? Because we’ve hatched an idea that will allow a few entrepreneurs from our community to do a book together - one that’s guaranteed to be a bestseller.

Today, October 4, 2024 | Time: 2 PM Eastern RSVP here.

Crafting Your Offer Ecosystem with Michelle Boshard

Ready to shake things up in your online business? Join Michelle Boshard, the Natural Entrepreneur, as she unveils the secrets of building an Offer Ecosystem that runs smoother than your morning coffee.

Forget cookie-cutter solutions; this is about crafting an engine uniquely tailored to your style—think of it as customizing a sports car instead of driving a minivan! Michelle will help you create offers that resonate with your audience while keeping things fun and fresh. Get ready for some mind-blowing insights that will have clients flocking to you like it’s Black Friday!

Today, October 4, 2024 | Time: 4 PM Eastern RSVP Here

Ever go viral accidentally? 388K views as of yesterday at noon.

I honestly have no idea what to do! Hit me up with your best advice.

“Build an audience,” they say.

But they never really say HOW.

I joke that we entrepreneurs, not unlike toddlers, don’t want anyone telling us what to do!

Except sometimes…

We want someone to tell us what to do, exactly how to do it, and in what order.


Well, Stacey Lauren’s doing just that.

Sure, her audience is huge.

But that’s not the point.

The point is that she’s figured out how to gather people with a shared goal into the most vibrant, engaged communities I’ve ever seen.

These folks are all-in on supporting each other.

And when Stacey makes an offer? Watch out because there’s going to be a mad rush to get it.

Want that for your business?

Save your spot for the masterclass now - it will be more crowded than the lines for water here.

Next Thursday, 10/10/24, 2-5 PM Eastern


or to participate.